Why didn’t “Joe Biden” press F to pay respects at Jimmy Carter’s funeral? Cryin’ Chuck (crocodile tears) and Cum-Allah were there, looking appropriately somber. Was child-groping’ Biden taking a nap? His body double today wasn’t too busy to release a statement about California wild fires… curious.
Say something meaningful.
3 months ago
4 months ago
After historically winning three U.S. presidential elections, Donald Trump will put a stop to Alvin Bragg's kangaroo court prosecution by charging all libtards with TREASON. The J6 patriots will receive full pardons and be deputized by Kash Patel's FBI, with Matthew Gaetz as special counsel; all liberals will be rounded up and sent to DOGE-approved FEMA camps for re-indoctrination. If you are a liberal illegal occupying this great country it would be wise to invest in a one-way flight ticket (and Truth Social stock!)
6 months ago
It's time to put a stop to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. For too long they have been allowed to ride horses around like dumb shits. I for one will no longer stand for this.
7 months ago
My ex boyfriend broke into my house, smashed my TV and peed on my cat so I called the cops on him. He ended up getting in a lot of trouble because he had outstanding warrants in two other states. I was really mad at him but my mom and sister said I should have tried to talk it out an calling the cops was an AH move. So I don't know what to think reddit AITAH?
8 months ago
8 months ago
It's 20:20 CT on 2024-07-22 and I have reason to believe that President Joe Biden is dead and the DNC machine is controlling the executive branch.
10 months ago
The radicalized far left woke mob now wants to kill all Jews. Leftist interselectionism has gone too far, much like going off the side of the Pac Man screen and coming right back around the other side as a FULL NAZI. And now the rich white university kids (useful idiots) are occupying city hall with tents and bullhorns spouting antisemitic tropes. That's what happens when you interselectionize trans rights with Islamic extremist Jew haters. Once you're done getting kicked out of university, Al Quaeda will be throwing your queer asses off buildings as thanks for your part in supporting terrorism.
10 months ago
We come together because we are fundamentally bored. We could spin a grandeur about ideals, uprising and new hope, but let’s cut the crap. We’re just bored and we want something to do and now we’re gonna fucking do it!
a year ago
Insane far leftists want to take our guns AND jobs. Time and time again I try to sound the alarm, but the baby-killing woke mob shadowbanned all 600 of my accounts. When Trump gets out of prison he and Elon Musk will team up to end leftism and usher in a new era for America.
a year ago
Synergistic enterprise business solutions in the social media landscape with a laser focus on result-oriented approaches to adding value through leveraging resources using agile methodologies. Now with AI.
a year ago
Is it normal if my child have a homework folder with more than 100gb sized content inside it? I don't want to check because I'm afraid I might accidentally deleted his work
a year ago
Feminism = Communism. Most people don't know this but Joseph Stalin was a third-wave feminist. Stalin formed an alliance with Adolph Hitler to stop trans-exclusionary radical feminists from invading Poland, but the Allied forces from the United Kingdom ended Nazis and Communism in one crushing blow. The U.K. and their historic vendetta against Communism could well explain why bigoted authors like J.K. Rowling were allowed to spread vile hate speech and satanic TERF propaganda in the form of children's books.
2 years ago
The sham impeachment coordinated by the Biden Administration with liberal House Speaker Dade Phelan and his kangaroo court has cost taxpayers millions of dollars, disrupted the work of the Office of Attorney General and left a dark and permanent stain on the Texas House. The weaponization of the impeachment process to settle political differences is not only wrong, it is immoral and corrupt.
2 years ago
Per the 1769 Articles of Confederation I am a free citizen traveling on a public roadway. I am not required to consent to any search and no law enforcement officer has jurisdiction to require production of my identifying information. If I am not being detained then I am free to go. Any further delay is in violation of my human rights. I advise you to contact your supervisor if you have any further questions (ask him about the Articles of Confederation)
2 years ago
The reason liberals are godless is not because they think they worship "science" but because they're literally Satan worshippers. That's why I became a men's rights activist.
2 years ago
One thing you have to keep in mind, no matter who's out there, and how much they say they care about you. It's that nobody cares about you, and you have to be ready to fight for what you want.
2 years ago
It's time to put a stop to millenials. For too long "they" have neglected to perform their patriotic duty to purchase diamonds and luxury cars and go on cruise ships. "They" have greedily hoarded capital and put our big box American retail stores out of business, replaced only with cheap Chinese crap (from China!). Why does the O'Biden administration turn a blind eye too millenials while our kindhearted elderly generations are forced to refinance their homes in order to buy Corvettes? How many red-blooded American patriots will lose their jobs because the Corvette factory ran dry? Because of millenials! At what point do we say "enough is enough" and put a stop to "them"? I for one have had enough and will do everything in my power to spread awareness about these wicked millenials.
2 years ago
Why is it that the radical far left is allowed to brainwash kindergartners into a lifetime of sinful gaysex? Leviticus says that thou shalt not have gaysex but the leftists want children to take mandatory hormone replacement therapy. If Jesus were still alive he would shoot the leftists with a military grade assault rifle (the distressingly loud one with the shoulder thing that goes up).
2 years ago
"Can you hear me?"
I haven't been on Second Life since the oughts, but recently found a channel of a guy who trolls people on SL and burst my sides open laughing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYcXcCpD0qA
It literally gets funnier every time I watch it.
2 years ago
I am glad this is back up. I've checked the link once every few weeks for quite some time and was always disappointed until now. I hope Kofi is feeling better and up to regaling us with more facts soon.
I think technology is becoming important as population grows. Effectively, any sufficiently large system will have a significant number of byproducts/externalities. Cataloging and tracking these on a systemic scale (and working around them) would be nearly impossible at our current populations without technology. That said, it could be argued that population has grown to current levels because of technology. I tend to think of humanity as a slime mold. They have some very basic awareness of the whole, and how their actions affect the whole, but overall are only concerned with their immediate awareness. If you get a few billion entities like this, resources can become exhausted very quickly. The oft-celebrated idea of "markets" supposedly reacts to these sorts of things without requiring collective awareness, but I think we're seeing how little useful information prices actually convey. I believe economic transcendence will operate on the backs of new technologies.
So maybe Kaczynski was right, but there are things in motion we simply cannot stop and it's better and embrace and build new solutions and systems instead of trying to hold back the tide.
2 years ago
So unfortunately the shiba inu needed ACL surgery and since I'm recently unemployed this required the shedding of many earthly possessions. But as the narrator in Fight Club mentioned, the things you own end up owning you. Maybe without them I will be more free. You probably won't see more shiba inu facts until he's feeling more like his usual self.
I find it interesting that the initials of Fight Club or FC correspond to Ted Kaczynski's "Freedom Club," the pseudonym under which he tried to justify numerous murders and acts of terrorism to the media. His manifesto was interesting, visionary in many ways, but crucially flawed in its conclusions. He has no justification to support his belief that technology is the root of all human unhappiness, other than the fact that he just didn't like other people.
Personally, I still believe technology can be used for the good of mankind.
2 years ago
Has anyone stopped to think about how demon rats pushed a far leftist hoax agenda? When Donald Trump is released from prison, he will put a stop to demon rats once and for all!
2 years ago
It's time to put a stop to liberals. They have tried to indoctrinate our children with woke leftism for too long. We must stand up and fight! By posting angry comments on Facebook. CHECKMATE LIBERALS.
2 years ago
I am in Barnseville, MN winding down from a pregame party before a wedding. The bride’s mom’s house is already full of family friends crashing under varying degrees of ethanol intoxication, and so my significant other and I were granted access to an air mattress in the living room. Unfortunately due to my insomnia I doubt I will be sleeping much tonight and instead wrote this post. Remember, no matter how much of a drunk you worry you are - you are loved.
2 years ago
There’s a new Shiba Inu-flavored ransomware all the WallStreetBets kiddies are getting. Just download this super secret down-to-the-microsecond meme stock trading API and click “Allow” at the UAC prompt. Shiba Inu now has full control of your Robinhood portfolio and will work in tandem with Bing Chat to execute the worst possible trades on your behalf using the infinite margin hack. That is unless, of course, you pay shibe .05 BTC at your earliest convenience. There is also apparently a video of you watching porn, normally reserved for the benefit of your OnlyFans subscribers, that Shiba Inu could release. But as an an added value, your one time payment of .05 BTC will make this unfortunate and embarrassing video deleted. Don’t try to trace me, I’m behind seven proxies and three firewalls. it’s nothing personnel, kiddo. Just business.
3 years ago
I can post less than 140 characters if henriquez edits the database.
3 years ago
Perhaps Anthony Fauci should not have created a hoax virus that does not exist in a Chinese laboratory. The fake #plandemic that never happened is a scam, but hypothetically if it were to have happened it would have been caused by demon rats. Curious!
3 years ago in reply to GemigirlBunny-kin
whoever wrote this understands quite well the necessities of punishment, with respect to the entire family. Yes, you must punish yourself. Excessively. Addictive hard drugs are an effective way to accomplish this, and addiction can be realized and reinforced quite easily through habitual use of illegal hard drugs. However, estrangement is also an effective punishment for a family that would otherwise be loving. A punished family is a miserable family. And misery loves company. So if you punish yourself (excessively) the punishment will be shared and you will be in miserable company.
3 years ago
I have been told that, in order to punish my entire family, I must take drugs. Not just any drugs either. Hard drugs, of the particularly addictive variety. I can only conclude that the most effective way to punish my entire family, is to punish myself. Excessively.
4 years ago
So the facts have been up for awhile now. There aren't too many yet, but a site about facts should at least have some facts on it.
It took a long time to put all of this together. We've been up in some form since 2004, and a lot has changed since then. I was exploring a dream world, a place I'm still exploring, but I've run into a plateau.
This time I don't think the problem can be solved from behind my keyboard. It's not a surprise; this site was always only intended to scratch the Surface.
I need a teacher, a mentor, to help me break from this loop and explore from a different angle. Whether that's physical, spiritual, or both, I want to learn, to be a student again.
I don't know if this is goodbye for now, but wouldn't be surprised either way.

What to do now:
Build parody web app- Get sued by Twitter
- ???
- Profit.