
[TAGGED: deprecated]
  1. music page

    Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, past friends, present friends and future friends, let the music begin! (sobbingly) Yes, that's right! The pathetic music page is simply ready for you snot nosed acorn eaters to belch at. You can download a lot of the old music undefined and I put together.

    Keep in mind that this is simpeningistickeningly going to be updated with new songs over the summer as we produce moooore music. The Kill Yourself song is coming. It's going to be ready before the world is ready for it.

    Cheese out!

    Posted 2004-05-31 00:00:00 PST by henriquez. Comments
  2. flash animation

    Check out the new page called "snoino."

    So now I regret buying that Macromedia Flash MX 2004 for Dummies book. I figured out how to use the software on my own, and now I'm out $20. Oh well. Maybe spending money gave me more motivation to learn or something.

    I think I have a pretty good grasp on Flash, which isn't bad for only just a few days of struggling. There's still a lot left to learn, (like how to make an awesome computer game). Maybe I'll do that over the summer.

    Alright, peace out.

    Posted 2004-05-22 00:00:00 PST by henriquez. Comments
  3. learning flash

    Hello. This post serves as a test of my improved blogging system which stores entries in a database and allows people to quickly jump from entry to entry with the little arrows on the lower left corner. Big whoop. Eventually I hope to put something in that allows people to comment. As if anyone even comes to this site.

    Not much is new in Santa Cruz. I'm (guiltily) enjoying my lighter class load this quarter. Since I had to withdraw from precalculus I've had so much more time to work on undefined. Speaking of that, a little earlier this week, after I posted the secret page (ooh), I realized that I had run into a wall: the design in my head couldn't be fully expressed with the tools I've been using to build this site. So far, undefined has been a testament to the true power of combining DHTML, Javascript, CSS and PHP. But these have their limits, and now I've been feeling somewhat constrained by them. So although I've wanted to remain a raw-code purist, this will no longer be possible: I'm a designer, not a programmer. In order to increase my design potential, I'm gonna have to break down and start using Macromedia Flash to create some of my newer designs.

    That also means I'm going to have to learn how to use Macromedia Flash. I've already got a decent start on it, and after I receive Macromedia Flash MX 2004 For Dummies, I'll become a lot more proficient. Keep an eye on the new "flash" page (the A key) ... as I learn more, it should get flashier :-D All right, that's all for now. Peace out.

    Posted 2004-05-15 00:00:00 PST by henriquez. Comments
  4. first post

    Ooh, you may notice this blog thing wasn't here before. Big whoop. It's actually kind of nifty. I thought having the word "blog" in the corner like that was distracting and detracted from the design, so I made it only flash if there's a new entry since your last visit. Otherwise it's very discreet.

    I put this here because I decided I'd like to be able to sound off on undefined. It is my undefined site, so I might as well make it somewhat undefined. My life isn't particularly exciting or special. I don't see why anyone should be too interested in what I have to say, but that's not gonna stop me.

    Anyway, here's what I have to say: I'm somewhat pissed off. I got in last night after a really relaxing hang-out session to find a note reading *"Go to Hell Jeff"* shoved under my door. I'm not as upset about someone in these dorms hating me as I am about the fact that somewhere near me lurks a pitiful coward who lacks the balls to confront me face to face. This person is a pathetic waste of organic material and a blight upon humanity. At this point, whoever is responsible for this act of cowardice would be wise to remain in hiding, because if I ever find out who did it, I WILL undefined

    That's all. Thank you for your time.

    Posted 2004-05-15 00:00:00 PST by henriquez. 32 comments